Payroll Services

Payroll computation is no more Companies' internal business. More and more Companies are oursourcing their payroll function to professional firms every day.

Platin Outsourcing is serving to many multinationals as well as leading national firms of Turkey through its long track of experience, trained personnel and latest technologies...

We as Platin Outsourcing are utilizing latest technologies in payroll field. We are providing important advantages to our clients in their reporting and processes.

Confidentiality; is not so diffucult!!!
Confidentiality is a major issue to sustain peace in work place. You will sustain confidentiality much more easily by outsourcing your payroll.

Sending your payroll data
Telephone, mail, hard copy does not matter. In either case our professionals will organize the data in our standard templates and receive your final approval before processing.

Cost Reductions
You will have important cost reductions in technology investment, legal compliance, and audit expenses through outsourcing your payroll function.

Automatic fund transfers; paying salaries are very easy now….
We are producing electronic payment orders which is compatible with templates of many Turkish banks. All you need to do is to give final authorization to the bank after our upload.

Reporting; we don't have limits!!!
Thanks to the latest technology that we follow; you will have on-line access to every payroll report that you wish in a very professional design.

Automatic Accounting Journal Voucher; with all accounting softwares!!!!
We can produce electronic upload journal vouchers for mayn accounting softwares (including SAP, ORACLE, Logo v.s.). All you will have to do is to upload our electronic voucher to your system which will take seconds.....

Payroll slips; electronic or hard copy!!!
Your personnel can have access to their electronic pay slips with their individual passwords. Or you may prefer the traditional method of hard copy pay-slips.

Legal Compliance
Through outsourcing your payroll to Platin you will get rid of the burden and risks of following legal requirements.

Training, continous trainng, Platin Academy
We continously train our personnel by our guest instructors from Galatasaray University which is among top 5 universities in Turkey. Our Clients can also participate in our trainings upon request..

Multinational and National Companies
Platin Outsourcing is the choice of mayn multinationals operating in Turkey as well as leading national firms of Turkey. We are working very hard and continously investing in our business in order to deserve this trust.

Small Business
We are choice of small businesses also that need quality service. What is more; they attain cost reductions while doing so...

Contact Us

Tel : 0 212 356 10 40

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